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伊莎贝尔López ' 23

我在罗兹的时候, 我一直在寻找挑战我的机会, 教我了解不同的人和文化, 让我成长为一个人. 我在阿联酋沙迦美国大学(AUS)的留学经历超出了这些预期. 它给了我来自整个地区的好朋友, 帮助我了解了中东时事 & 从非西方的角度看政治, 并给我灌输了毕生学习和欣赏阿拉伯语的热情 & 伊斯兰文化. 从艺术画廊和迪拜世博会到在山上露营和在澳大利亚庆祝全球日, 我很感激我所拥有的所有经历.

我所上的IS课程为我在国外的成功打下了基础. 多亏了比较政治学和威权主义的兴起, 我对阿联酋政府的结构有一个基本的了解, 特别是在有限的言论自由方面. Knowing about post-colonial theory helped me understand and connect with classmates whose worldview is shaped by continued imperial aggressions and foreign intervention. Many conversations showed me how different my perspectives and worldview were to that of my Middle Eastern friends, 但那些不舒服的时刻让我更有见识, 富有同情心的, 和宽容的人,这是无价的.





2019年秋季,我通过IES Abroad在奥地利维也纳学习. 我不上经济学课的时候, 艺术, 和高级德语, 我很喜欢音乐活动, 博物馆, 以及维也纳美丽的建筑. 此外, IES帮助我获得了在妇女无国界组织实习的机会, 一个国际非营利组织,旨在使妇女成为变革的推动者. My background in international studies enabled me to p艺术icipate in discussions with my co-workers and professors on European political affairs and prepared  me for many of the cultural differences I encountered.

在国外度过一个学期是一次丰富学术、专业和个人的经历. 通过在奥地利学习, I was able to immerse myself in the 文化 of the German-speaking world that I had learned about in my German courses at Rhodes. 在维也纳, 我有幸受到来自德国的教授的教导, 奥地利, 意大利, 和匈牙利, 他们为我理解欧洲文化和经济提供了不同的视角. 另外, my position at Women without Borders reaffirmed my interest in pursuing a career in public service by granting me insight into the daily functions of an international nonprofit as well as the concrete impacts they can have on individuals across the world. 最后, Vienna’s central location in Europe allowed me to explore from the coast of Croatia to the monuments of Berlin to the streets of 摩洛哥. 浏览外语, 城市, 和文化, 和旅行, 常常独自, 教会了我独立和适应能力. 




2018年春天, 我在达喀尔学习, 塞内加尔的“发展研究”项目,全部用法语授课. It was a pretty clear choice to me to be able to combine my two majors and build on a foundation that I’d begun at Rhodes. 我参加了有关经济发展和民主化的课程, 在非政府组织实习过吗, 并在该国的农村地区花了一周的时间来研究塞内加尔的发展是如何形成的. 我认为所有类型的海外经历对国际研究的学生来说都是必不可少的, but an extended stay in one country really allowed me to deepen my understanding of a specific p艺术 of the world and set of issues. The immersive 语言 component was also really important to me and is such an important skill for anyone interested in global issues. 

One of the major reasons that I learned so much in Senegal was because my IS classes had given me a really great context in which I had begun to think about development issues. I also felt confident in my abilities to engage both in and out of the classroom and fully take advantage of a new environment while studying abroad, 是什么让这段经历成为我本科教育的重要组成部分. 


2018年秋季, 我有机会在美国驻阿斯塔纳大使馆担任政治和经济实习生, 哈萨克斯坦. I performed field work in 俄罗斯n and English and wrote daily cables back to DC on regional 政治 within the ‘-stan’ countries, 对伊朗和俄罗斯的制裁, 中国新疆的维吾尔人营地, 以及中国的“一带一路”, “一路”基础设施. 在飞往哈萨克斯坦的飞机上,我记得我在想,‘我把自己卷进了什么事? 我的俄语能力强到可以独立生活吗? 我将与美国在俄罗斯的行动并肩作战, 中国, 还有阿富汗……我还没准备好.“我的担心与事实相去甚远. The 俄罗斯n Studies Program gave me the tools to excel in 俄罗斯n 语言; moreover, years of classes on 文化 and 政治 bolstered my ability to quickly assess situations and react naturally. The 国际研究 Dep艺术ment gave me the ability to understand the structures of foreign governments and the situations of communities such as the Uyghurs and Pashtun.



2017年秋季赴中国四川成都留学,与ISEP直接交流. 我和一群来自太平洋路德大学的学生一起去的. 我们的旅行从北京开始, 我们在哪里参观了天安门广场, 长城, 2008年奥林匹克体育场, 还有798艺术区. 接下来我们去了西安,看了兵马俑. 最后,我们到了成都,在四川大学学习中文. 我还参加了中国外交政策、文化甚至功夫的课程. 我的班级有来自世界各地的学生,包括泰国、俄罗斯、英国和法国. 其中一个亮点是西藏之行, 在那里我们了解了佛教和西藏的历史文化. 布达拉宫,达赖喇嘛的故居,是一次非常有趣的经历.

I think study abroad is important -- especially for an 国际研究专业 --because you can directly experience a country or region that interests you. You can directly apply what you learned at Rhodes and gain a deeper understanding of issues by hearing how people abroad view them. 例如, in my Chinese foreign policy class I was able to apply what I had learned in Professor Ceccoli’s Chinese 政治 class. Studying abroad also forces you to step out of your comfort zone and have experiences that you normally would not have; it really prepares you for life after Rhodes.



2017年秋天,我通过IES abroad在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯留学. 布宜诺斯艾利斯, “南美洲的巴黎”,以其欧式建筑和大量的“parillas”(牛排馆)而闻名。. I traveled there looking to become more fluent in Spanish and to learn about 阿根廷’s political 文化 and history that had always fascinated me. 我选择了IES,因为它提供灵活的课程安排, 当地非政府组织的志愿者机会, 还有一个寄宿家庭的选择. 因为我去布宜诺斯艾利斯是想让自己完全沉浸在这座城市的生活中, 语言, 和文化, 我觉得以上所有的因素都会帮助我充分利用我在国外的时间.

Studying abroad allowed me to live in a place unlike anywhere I had ever been and to see how the political forces I’ve studied at Rhodes work in the world today. 我的专业是拉丁美洲, 罗兹通过我的国际研究课程给了我重要的地区政治背景. 我更了解政治气候和历史, 这让我可以和当地人进行有趣和相关的对话. 我和一个阿根廷女人住在一起,她会告诉我所有关于历史的事情, 政治, 文化, 以及每晚的阿根廷生活,给了我宝贵的当地视角,也给了我游览这座巨大城市的向导.

我选择了体验式学习项目, 就像365betapp下载鼓励学生在孟菲斯追求的那样. 我在城市的贫民窟当家教, 帮助学西班牙语的孩子完成家庭作业,并在他们不在学校的时候给他们一个安全的学习场所. 这是我经历中的一个亮点,如果没有365betapp下载的愿景,我可能不会追求它. 出国留学给了我一个全球视野,我希望在我未来的课程和职业生涯中使用. 出国留学确实拓展了我的知识和教育, 这是我大学生涯中最有价值的经历之一.

2016年秋天,我在摩洛哥伊夫兰的Al Akhawayn大学留学. I had been wanting to visit 摩洛哥 for a few years because I was intrigued by its geopolitical significance as a majority-Muslim country in Africa with strong ties to Europe through its former colonization by the French and the Spanish. 当我决定去哪里留学的时候, my interest in 摩洛哥 as well as the small student population and liberal 艺术s curriculum at AUI made the choice easy for me.

冒着听起来像留学宣传册的风险, 我想说,这段经历确实改变了我的生活. 我知道这听起来很老套,但这是真的. 我有机会将自己沉浸在一个与我自己的文化截然不同的文化中, 去见我最亲密的朋友, 培养自己的独立和自信. 这并不总是容易的,但让我们成为更好的人的事情通常并不容易.

Laurie Williams

My coursework in the IS dep艺术ment and at Rhodes in general helped me feel confident in my ability to engage in a new classroom setting and with new professors. The IS classes I had taken previously gave me a solid foundation for better understanding the nuances of the Middle Eastern and African 政治 classes I took in 摩洛哥 and helped guide my class p艺术icipation and written work throughout the semester.


我在安曼的365亚洲体育交流委员会学习, 约旦, 2017年春天. I chose 约旦 because I have found that the Middle East is a region that has increasingly been misunderstood, 无论是在媒体还是在地区冲突的研究中. 我渴望更多地了解中东人民的日常生活, 而乔丹提供了一个绝佳的机会. My program was designed around Arabic and 国际研究 but also included a number of engaging cultural activities such as playing soccer with 约旦ians or learning how to make 约旦ian food.


我认为出国留学很重要,因为它可以让你获得在另一个国家生活的经验. 它经常把你带出你的舒适区,促进课堂外的学习. I found my experience to be valuable because it provided me with the opportunity to experience things I had only read about while learning a 语言 that could help me better connect with the people around me.

我的国际研究课程为我出国留学做了很多准备. 有几次经历让我想起了我上过的课程. 无论是在教室里, 或者通过与我刚认识的人的谈话, 我经常发现自己在使用在罗兹课堂上学到的知识. Other times I was able to draw on knowledge I had gained from Rhodes to understand the context of the countries I was in.


